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Case Study 2

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See Also: Case Study 1 / Case Study 3


Care at Home for Husband with Alzheimer’s Disease

A client asks an Independent Care Adviser to advise on and provide care alternatives for her husband who has Alzheimer’s Disease. The Independent Care Adviser recommends care provision at home, researches the options and provides the client with a short-list of the most appropriate care agencies with recommended prices. The client is happy: she has found the best care agency for her needs, within her price range, and she has saved money by making an informed choice of care and provider.

The Enquiry
Following a solicitor’s introduction, Mrs Fanshaw (age 74) phoned an Independent Care Adviser to enquire about their services and to discuss whether they could help her in caring for her husband (age 76) who has Alzheimer’s Disease.

She was advised how they could help and a consultation was arranged for the following day with one of their Senior Care Advisers.

The Consultation
Mrs Fanshaw was visited by the Care Adviser. First she was given the opportunity to discuss the overall situation from her own perspective. Then the Care Adviser established the physical and mental health needs of the Client, the available support for both Client and Carer and the medical history of the Client. Funding and personal criteria were also established.

Overall Situation
Mr Fanshaw had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease several months previously, but was otherwise physically fit. Mr and Mrs Fanshaw live together in their privately owned detached house. Mrs Fanshaw was considering both his short and long term care needs. She was finding it increasingly difficult to cope with her husband’s confusion and verbal aggression. The couple have four children, all living in different areas of the country. Although they are available in the event of a crisis, they would be unable to contribute towards the day-to-day care issues.

Mrs Fanshaw assisted her husband with washing, dressing, toileting and feeding. She also did all the laundry, shopping, housework and cooking herself. Mr Fanshaw has attended a local Day Centre in the past but has refused to return. An initial assessment by Social Services quickly established that Mr Fanshaw would not be eligible for financial assistance and there has been no further support from them.

care at homeOutcome of the Care Adviser Consultation
During the course of the Consultation both care at home and residential care were discussed. Mrs Fanshaw was reassured by the knowledge that should residential care be required in the future the Care Adviser would be able to provide professional help and guidance on how to proceed.

Following the discussion Mrs Fanshaw asked the Care Adviser to:

  • Research Care Agencies able to provide a flexible sitting service together with light domestic tasks.
  • Provide additional information on the role of The Public Guardianship Office and how to apply for his Attendance Allowance.

Confirmation Letter
Following the consultation, the Care Adviser wrote to Mrs Fanshaw, giving a summary of the Fanshaws’ situation, Mrs Fanshaw’s instructions and a proposed care plan.

Mrs Fanshaw gave permission for a letter to be sent to Mr Fanshaw’s GP informing him of the Care Adviser’s involvement in assisting the Client and his wife to find suitable care.

Researching the Options
The Care Adviser carried out the work and research required to identify, contact and short-list the appropriate Care Agencies local to Mr and Mrs Fanshaw.

The Report
A report was prepared for the Client, including details and current brochures for the recommended Care Agencies, together with supplementary information relevant to Mr and Mrs Fanshaw’s situation such as an information booklet from the Public Guardianship Office.

Follow Up Phone Call
The Care Adviser made telephone contact with Mrs Fanshaw three days after sending the report to ensure that it had been received and understood.

A further call was made two weeks later to see how the selection process was progressing. Mrs Fanshaw had contacted the agencies by telephone and selected two of them. She was planning to employ carers for two days per week to provide her with a break, thus enabling her to care for her husband in their own home for longer. She had found the supplementary information included in the report helpful. As a result she has applied for Attendance Allowance, contacted the Public Guardianship Office and made an appointment with an independent financial adviser.

It was agreed that the Care Adviser would call Mrs Fanshaw again in 3 months time to review the care requirements.

Mrs Fanshaw was entirely satisfied. She has found the best care agencies for her needs, within her price range, and saved money by making an informed choice of care and provider.

Care Home required for Couple with Pet

A married couple asked an Independent Care Adviser to advise on and provide care home alternatives for themselves and their pet dog. The Independent Care Adviser researched the various options and provided the clients with a short-list of the most appropriate care homes. The couple visited the homes and selected one. The clients were happy: they had chosen the right care home and had saved money by making an informed choice.

The Enquiry
Mr and Mrs Wright called the Independent Care Adviser. Mr & Mrs Wright live in their own home and would like to consider their long-term care options.

The Independent Care Adviser arranged a consultation at Mr and Mrs Wright’s home for the following week.

The Consultation
Mr & Mrs Wright explained their current situation in detail including their care and social needs.

Mrs Wright informed the Care Adviser that they currently have assistance with gardening and housework. They wanted to remain in their own home for as long as possible, but they would like information on care homes for them to consider for the future.

Mr & Mrs Wright had specific criteria for any potential care home environment. They wanted to remain in the Wiltshire area, close to their family. They would require a large double en-suite room but would also like the option of having a second room, which could be used as a private sitting room. Lastly, Mr & Mrs Wright would want to take their pet dog into the care home with them.

Outcome of Consultation
Mr & Mrs Wright instructed the Care Adviser to research care homes in a specific geographical area. They indicated that they would probably not consider moving until next year, so immediate vacancies were not necessary.

Mr Wright informed the Care Adviser that their family would take them to view potential homes.

Confirmation Letter
Following the consultation, the Care Adviser wrote to Mr and Mrs Wright, giving a summary of their situation and their instructions.

Researching the Options
With due regard to Mr & Mrs Wright’s care, social, financial and geographical requirements, the Care Adviser researched their specialist databases and selected appropriate target care homes which would meet the specific criteria, and then contacted them to check room availability and negotiate prices.

The Report
A detailed, personalised report was produced for Mr & Mrs Wright.

This report gave details of a selection of care homes in their requested geographical area and the facilities available, including information on the local amenities, which were important to them. The report highlighted room cost and the home’s attitude towards residents’ pets. A brochure for each listed care home was enclosed.

The report and covering letter were sent to Mr & Mrs Wright within a week of their initial consultation.

Follow Up
The Care Adviser contacted Mr & Mrs Wright two days after the report was sent to check that the information had been received and to answer any questions that they might have.

Mr Wright informed the Care Adviser that they had short-listed four of the listed care homes and that their son would take them to visit.

Final Outcome
Mr and Mrs Wright selected their favoured care home. They continued to live in their own home for a further year and then they and their pet dog moved into the care home. They were entirely satisfied: they had found the best care home for their needs and had saved money by making an early, informed choice.

If you require further assistance or would like to speak to the Independent Care Adviser this site recommends please call 0800 137 669 or complete the e-mail enquiry form.



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